setDataAtCell is undefined

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b25d79508> #<Tag:0x00007f8b25d7fac0>

The setDataAtCell afterChange function did work on the early stages (around October) of my development. However, just this January it doesn’t work. I found out that the setDataAtCell is not recognized.
Here is the error:

I am wondering what could cause this error. I did try updating the cdn, but it doesn’t work. I loaded an older version of the file and it still doesn’t work. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a working clone without a database.

Here is a sample of the code. Hopefully this helps:

Hi @adamaldric.delosreye

Thank you for reaching out to us. For start, can you tell what version of Handsontable you are currently on, and on which one it previously worked?

To be honest, I’m not really sure because I am using this cdn.
This is the old one. (located at the header)

This is the new one.

(located at the top of my code)

(located at the bottom of my code)

Both says that I am using 12.3.1. Hopefully this helps to reveal what I am doing wrong here.

Hi @adamaldric.delosreye

Basing on this information you’ve probably always had the most recent version of Handsontable available. However, we didn’t touch anything related to setDataAtCell hook recently and when I tested similar example (setDataAtCell in afterChange) it works just fine.

It’s also worth to mention that with version 11 we introduced modularization, which requires to register all modules at the app initialization:

Should I update the settings just like the jsfiddle you provided?

I currently set my settings at the initialization. Here’s the whole render function of my table:

async renderTable() {
this.results2 = [];
this.initialize = [];
this.results2 = await this.setData(<?= $sched_info['Sched_Code'] ?>, this.grading_percentage.term);
this.initialize = await this.setComponents(<?= $sched_info['Sched_Code'] ?>, this.grading_percentage.term);










       this.checker = true;

       const container = document.getElementById('students'); = new Handsontable(container, {

           data: this.students,

           rowHeaders: true,

           colHeaders: true,

           currentRowClassName: 'currentRow',

           currentColClassName: 'currentCol',

           nestedHeaders: [this.nestedHeader1, this.nestedHeader2],

           columns: this.headerColumn,

           // hiddenColumns: {

           //     columns: [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35],

           //     indicators: false

           // },

           // autoWrapRow: true,

           height: '582',

           width: 'auto',

           fixedColumnsLeft: 3,

           autoColumnSize: {

               useHeaders: true


           copyPaste: true,

           // formulas: true,

           contextMenu: true,

           // formulas: {

           //     engine: HyperFormula

           // },

           // stretchH: 'all',

           // manualColumnResize: true,

           licenseKey: 'non-commercial-and-evaluation', // for non-commercial use only

           afterChange: (changes) => {

               var this_val = this;

               this.quizValues = [];


               if (changes[0][3] != null) {



                   // console.log("get: ", this.students[changes[0][0]])

                   if (changes[0][0] == 0) {

                       this.saveItems(this.students[changes[0][0]], '<?= $sched_info['Sched_Code'] ?>', this.grading_percentage.term);

                       if (changes[0][1] == 'Q1' || changes[0][1] == 'Q2' || changes[0][1] == 'Q3' || changes[0][1] == 'Q4' || changes[0][1] == 'Q5' ||

                           changes[0][1] == 'Q6' || changes[0][1] == 'Q7' || changes[0][1] == 'Q8' || changes[0][1] == 'Q9' || changes[0][1] == 'Q10') {

                           // var firstquiz = this.nestedHeader2.indexOf('Q1');

                           $.each(this_val.quizContainer, function (index, value) {



                           var sum = this.quizValues.reduce((accumulator, value) => {

                               return accumulator + parseFloat(value);

                           }, 0);



                           this.grading_percentage.Quiz_Total = sum;

                           var col = this.nestedHeader2.indexOf('Quiz Total');

                           var row = changes[0][0];

                 , col, sum);


                       if (changes[0][1] == 'Quiz_Total') {

                           console.log('I changed')

                           // this.re_enter();

                           var rowTotal =;

                           var firstquiz = this.nestedHeader2.indexOf('Q1');

                           var rowCount = 1;

                           for (var i = 1; i < rowTotal; i++) {

                               var re_enter =, firstquiz);

                     , firstquiz, re_enter);



                   } else {

                       this.saveGrades(this.students[changes[0][0]], '<?= $sched_info['Sched_Code'] ?>', this.grading_percentage.term);

                       // hot.setDataAtCell(row, col, value)

                       // console.log(this.nestedHeader2);

                       // console.log(this.quizContainer)

                       if (changes[0][1] == 'Q1' || changes[0][1] == 'Q2' || changes[0][1] == 'Q3' || changes[0][1] == 'Q4' || changes[0][1] == 'Q5' ||

                           changes[0][1] == 'Q6' || changes[0][1] == 'Q7' || changes[0][1] == 'Q8' || changes[0]>[1] == 'Q9' || changes[0][1] == 'Q10') {

                           // var firstquiz = this.nestedHeader2.indexOf('Q1');

                           $.each(this_val.quizContainer, function (index, value) {



                           var sum = this.quizValues.reduce((accumulator, value) => {

                               return accumulator + parseFloat(value);

                           }, 0);

                           var col = this.nestedHeader2.indexOf('Quiz Total');

                           var row = changes[0][0];

                 , col, sum);

                           if (sum != 0) {

                               var quizAve = ((sum / this.grading_percentage.Quiz_Total) * 50 + 50).toFixed(2);

                               var colAve = this.nestedHeader2.indexOf('Quiz Average');

                     , colAve, quizAve);

                           } else {

                               var colAve = this.nestedHeader2.indexOf('Quiz Average');

                     , colAve, 0);


                           // console.log(sum)

                           // console.log("test", quizAve)






       var height = document.getElementsByClassName('wtHider').offsetHeight;



       // return true;

       // console.log(this.nestedHeader2)

       // var indexes = [];

       // var count = 1;

       // var char = 'A';

       // $.each(this.nestedHeader2, function(index, value) {

       //     if (count != 0) {

       //         indexes.push({

       //             index: char + count

       //         });

       //         char = this_var.getNextChar(char);

       //     } else {

       //         indexes.push({

      //             index: '0'

       //         });

       //         // char = this_var.getNextChar(char);

       //     };

       // })

       // console.log(indexes)


(Im not sure if this is visible)

Hi @adamaldric.delosreye

You don’t have to use updateSettings, it was just useful for my example, here’s minified version:

As for your issue. I recommend to remove all of the additional functions and options to the point where the issue is gone and then, gradually adding it back. It might not be strictly connected to getDataAtCell as it works just fine on it’s own with the current Handsontable version.

Noted, I will do just that. Hopefully I can debug it soon. Thank you very much.

Good day,

I removed everything in the afterChange from my previous reply and just used the and I am still encountering the same issues.

I still use the same CDN which are the following:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

This is the cell I am trying to change:

Code to render the table:

Error in console:

Hi @adamaldric.delosreye

Thank you for the update. From the error messages it looks like the changes range that you are trying to reference are not existent, also the reference to the instance seems to be incorrect, and that prevents the usage of setDataAtCell.