Show item description as tooltip when hover on item name

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc651a7dc8>

Hi Handsontable expert,

I am working on a Tooltip feature what when users hover on the item name column, then the item description will show up as Tooltip. This means for different item name, I will get different tooltip content.

All the reference I found on Handsontable is to create Tooltip for buttons, and the Tooltip is static. What I want is dynamic tooltip for each row in an Handsontable table.

So my question is:

  1. Is that possible to have a dynamic tooltip which is from the cell content?
  2. Looks like I need to create a render function, but after registering the renderer, how do I use it to show the cell tooltip?

I am new to Handsontable, hopefully I made myself clear. Thank you for any advice in advance!


I read this topic and get some idea. Tooltip in cell
I guess the difference is the tooltip I want to show is different from the cell content and the tooltip is not from a visible column.

Sorry for keeping you waiting.

Is there anything I can help you with now?

HI Aleksandra,

Thank you for reply.

I hope I made myself clear in the question statement.
Do you think it is possible to show something different from column content as tooltip?
I have a Hansontable form in webpage, and I am struggling with the tooltip now…


You can use an afterGetColHeader method to attach a DIV with title attribute.