SignaturnCanvas in `hot-editor`

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc606c2998> #<Tag:0x00007efc606c2830>

I am unable to write into the SignatureCanvas within the hot-editor. This is an urgent issue that I need to resolve for my current project. I would appreciate your assistance in this matter.It seems that hot-editor is blocking my clicks on the SignatureCanvas.Here is the demo:

Signature canvas is not applicable to this situation.

The second image showcases a SignatureCanvas component functioning successfully within a React component.

Hi @Dephie

Thank you for contacting us. Can you please recheck the example you sent? I get only blank viewport, and I can see that there are multiple errors in the EditorComponent.tsx file. Thank you.

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@adrian.szymanski The demo is functioning as expected, but the response time is a bit slow. Please wait a few seconds for it to normalize. The errors in EditorComponent.tsx are caused by type checking and do not affect the actual operation. Please review the code again.


Thank you. It works. I noticed that the custom editor works correctly when you resize the viewport after opening it:

And when I click save the data is successfully saved:


So, the component works, but there seems to be an issue with either canvas positioning on initialization or the dimensions.

@adrian.szymanski How did you get that to work? SignatureCanvas in custom editor here is not functioning properly. I can’t draw anything on the canvas. The React-Component works fine, though.

I have solved the problem, thanks a lot. It was not a Handsontable issue.


I’m glad that you’ve found the solution. I will close this topic in that case.