I have a handsontable instance with member minSpareRows: 1, there is only one empty row after the table initialization, but when I loaded 10 lines of data into the table, just the first row was filled in properly, there is still only one row in the table, the rest 9 will not be loaded until I click on the table or scroll the mouse wheel.
Following is the code of handsontable definition:
hot = new Handsontable(divHot, {
stretchH: ‘none’,
minSpareRows: 1,
minRows: 0,
rowHeaders: true,
contextMenu: false,
autoRowSize: false,
autoColSize: false,
hiddenColumns: {
columns: [0],
indicators: false
columnSorting: true,
colHeaders: [‘rid’, …],
columns: [{
data: ‘rid’
}, …
If I render the handsontable in sleeping for 100ms after loadData, all row would be loaded properly, but there is a interrupt in loading between the first row and the rest of rows. Following is the code of render:
setTimeout(function() {
And this phenomenon could also occur if the handsontable load more rows than last time. For example, the table has loaded 3 rows of data, but now, I want to load a new result set which has 10 rows of data, the table will only load top 3 rows of the new result set, until I click on the table or scroll the mouse wheel.
Is this a issue of Handsontable please? Or, is there someway I can use in load data properly? thanks.