Spare row causing issue when filtering then sorting

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64db27e0>

I am using angular 8.
I have an HOT with settings
hotSettings?: Handsontable.GridSettings = {
minSpareRows: 1,
It is working perfectly.
But, When I decide to filter the data, and then sorting the results, it sorts everythings… but the last.

so I tried by changing the settings to:
and It is working like a charm.

The problem is, I need it with minSpareRows:1.

So I’m stuck.

Maybe, and it is just a thought, it is bug.

Hey @alexandre.quere

It sounds like the index issue. We have fixed those issues in the 8.0.0-beta1. (Stable version in progress).

You can test it here

It is also available on NPM

npm i handsontable@beta

I highly encourage you to test it and share the results. It is crucial to check if 8.0.0 fixed the issue and if it’s only an Angular ‘thing’ or happens across the wrappers.

Thank you @aleksandra_budnik,
I will try this version.

For my information, do you know when the 8.0.0 will be release ?

We are gathering feedback, but besides one issue that is already solved on branch the feedback is positive. As soon as we will be able to push 8.0.0 (stable) we’ll update everyone :slight_smile:

Dziękuję @aleksandra_budnik

Nie ma za co @alexandre.quere
feel free to open a new ticket when needed