Stroing the csv at specific folder

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc61b99100>

While exporting to CSV, Can we specify the location where we want to store the CSV

I am using the given function, and the CSV is getting downloaded at Downloads Folder.

                mergeCells: true,
                exportHiddenRows: true,
                exportHiddenColumns: true,
                columnHeaders: true,
                rowHeaders: true,
                readOnly: true,
                freezeColumns: true,
                filename: 'Handsoninstance'

I want to give file path as well here. Also while exporting, read only parameters and frozen columns are not getting exported.

Is there anyway that we can store these features so that next time when we log in again, the table remembers these features.

Hey @thakurshivam100

the plugin only prepares a file. The browser shows the a window with file location.