SUM all column data from a row

I’m testing the your handsontable plugin for Vue. What i’m trying to do is, having a set of data, I want to have 1 Row Totals which SUM all rows from a specific column and 1 Column Totals which SUM all columns data for each row.

I got the Row Totals using the columnSummary plugin.

Could you help me to know, how can I get the Column Totals?. I’m trying using the afterChange event, but always I’m getting the row[0], this is because the last change is the columnSummary. If I delete the code to columnSummary, I can get the coords of cell that is being changed, but I need to have both Totals.

This is part of my code.

Thanks in advance

******* Vuex Store File *******

const state = {
columnSummary: [],
afterChange: function(changes, source) {
if (changes !== null) {
console.log("source: " + source);
console.log("changes.length: " + changes.length);
changes.forEach(([row, col, oldValue, newValue]) => {
// Some logic…
console.log("changes[row]: " + JSON.stringify(changes[row]));
console.log("changes: " + JSON.stringify(changes));
// this.$store.commit(‘updateData’, this.hotRef.getSourceData());

const getters = {
hotSettings(state) { return state.hotSettings; }

const mutations = {
setHotSettings(state, updateObj) { state.hotSettings[updateObj.prop] = updateObj.value; }

export default {

********* Vue Component File ***********

export default {
data: function() {
let oData = {
nestedHdrs: []
return oData;
components: {
computed: {
hotSettings: {
get() { return this.$store.getters.hotSettings; },
set(value) { this.$store.commit(‘setHotSettings’, value); }
created() {
this.tblRows = [];
this.nestedHdrs = [];
this.hotSettings.nestedHeaders = [];

     //If I comment this code, I can get the row that is being modified by the user
     //But with this code, I always get the row 0, that is the SUM row
     for (let i = this.initFields; i < this.hotSettings.columns.length; i++) {
        let obj = {
           destinationRow: 0,
           destinationColumn: i,
           reversedRowCoords: false,
           type: 'sum',
           forceNumeric: true



Hey @lothard

as a built-in feature, we only have row summaries. If you’d like to sum the columns, you could use the formulas


=SUM(A1: A9) 

where A10 is the last column.