Table freezes/ consumes big CPU load when updating settings

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc729fb530>


I have a question around the performance of handsontable: I work with a fairly large dataset (50000x12) and have an interface window that allows my user to update the format of columns (mostly numbers, so you can adjust decimal places) and hide or show columns.

I can update things individually and they work just fine, but when I combine the updateSettings with the plugin hiddenColumns my browser freezes and it takes a significant while to finish.

Can you advise if I can do something against that? or is that the expected behavior?


Hi Nils,

unfortunately it is a known bug. Please track progress for the issue at


thanks for the update. Will monitor the progress.

Hi @nils.mohr

I have good news! We’ve just released 8.0.0-beta2 that fixes the mentioned issue. We won’t be closing this ticket now. It will be closed after we release the final 8.0.0 version of Handsontable.

Here’s a full list of changes

All feedback’s appreciated. Thank you for your input.

This issue was solved in v.8.0.0.