Table full window feature

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc645be2a0>

I was wondering that is it possible in handsontable that we click on expand button or either click on full window button and table will open in full window if yes any one help me how I can do that.
I want my table to work like this while clicking on expand button it will open in full browser.

Hi @vikas.singh
You would need to use the updateSettings to change table dimensions: width and height.

Handsontable does not support percentage values only pixels so you would need to read the screen viewport dimensions and then pass it to Handsontable.

I have used width and height dimensions in pixel and it actually work but when we scroll it to right section a bug appear the left row section disappear from below. Please look into the attachment.

Can you share your setting via JSFiddle @vikas.singh?
I’ll test what’s causing this issue.

Issue closed due to a lack of a needed demo.