Table is loosing bahaviour after updateSettings() method

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1dd46c28>

I have a problem. Handsontable work fine with initial data object, but I need to add some extra logic like: colous for rows and columns, change the markup of table headers. The good way described in documentation is to use core.updateSettings() and provide my logic in that way. But after this it ruins my table - sorting start to nor working with some columns, and checkbox field isn’t reactive to the keyboard anymore. Maybe there’s any other method I should use intead of updateSettings() ?

here’s the Stackoverflow with teh Fiddle

Hi @l.linczewski

I’ve updated the SO topic. The method was misspelled. It’s innerHTML instead of the innerHtml. If you replace that, demo changes the renderer and allows to sort the columns.