I’ve just started using handsontable. I am getting resonably promising results however when the table initially loads it is only showing the first column:
then if I click on this column it refreshes to what I expect:
any ideas why it is doing this?
I have attached the js I am using and it might also be useful to note that I am using angular though currently I have stripped out using ngHandsontable to try and cut out anything that might be causing the problem.
var container = document.getElementById(‘handsontable’);
var hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: vm.members,
startRows: 5,
colHeaders: true,
minSpareRows: 1,
contextMenu: [‘remove_row’],
afterCreateRow: setMemberDefaults,
afterValidate: gridValidate,
{ data: ‘QuoteClientOrderId’, title: ‘Id’, type: ‘text’, readOnly: true },
{ data: ‘Forename’, title: ‘Forename’, type: ‘text’},
{ data: ‘Surname’, title: ‘Surname’, type: ‘text’},
{ data: ‘Age’, title: ‘Age’, type: ‘text’},
{ data: ‘UnitTypeId’, title: ‘UnitType’, type: ‘dropdown’, source: [0,1,2,3]}