Table scroll bar

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1dedf738>

Hi, I wrote according to the code of the official website but the scroll bar still didn’t show up. How to solve it?

`hotSettings: {
     data:Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(1000, 1000),
     colWidths: 100,
     width: '100%',
     height: 320,
     rowHeights: 23,
     rowHeaders: true,
     colHeaders: true


`<hot-table" :settings="hotSettings" ref="HotTable" id="hotTable"></hot-table>


Hey @759603225

you can try to define it inside the <hot-table> element

I changed it according to your suggestion, but it still doesn’t work.

`<hot-table :colWidth="120" :rowHeight="20" :width="'100%'" :rowHeaders="true" :colHeaders="true" :height="320" :settings="hotSettings" ref="HotTable" id="hotTable"></hot-table>`

I guess that I would need to ask you to share a demo where the issue can be replicable as it works in the demo

Maybe I set some settings, I will check.

Hey @759603225

any updates here?

I guess that we can close this topic.