Tag cell is allowing all data , even though strict:true

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d9d8050>

Continuing the discussion from Tags input cell:

data: ‘TagCol’,
renderer: tagsRenderer,
editor: TagsEditor,
source: [‘test’,‘test2’,‘test3’],
strict: true,
allowInvalid: false,

Hi @vedaselvaraj27

Please provide the remaining logic for tagsRenderer and TagsEditor (possibly in a demo)

Hi @aleksandra_budnik

I used this one https://jsfiddle.net/60hwq3j9/1/

Thank you for sharing @vedaselvaraj27

As mentioned here https://handsontable.com/docs/9.0.1/Options.html#strict the strict option relates to an autocomplete cell type that inherits autocompleteValidator. Your column does not attach any validator.

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