Take data using Axios Vue

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc60914548>

The value is inserted into this. setDataAtRowProp Why not run?
Take data using Axios Vue does not work why?

hot.addHook(‘beforeChange’, function(changes, source){
var row = changes[0][0];
var prop = changes[0][1];
var value = changes[0][3];
if (prop === 15) {
let url = ‘/dpdraft2/index/getTpsById/’+value;
const my = this;
let res = axios.get(url)
.then(function(response) {
this.setDataAtRowProp(row, 16, response.data.tps_no);
.catch(error => console.log(‘error’));

Hi @rizkyfathurahman172

Without a demo, can be hard to find a solution.

May I send to you our Vue demo - https://codesandbox.io/s/add-delete-button-to-every-row-of-the-table-handsontablevue-wrapper-9fxt7
And you based on it extend to better reflect your needs and your issue.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Hey @rizkyfathurahman172

any updates here?

I guess that we can close the subject as there are no updates on the demo.
@rizkyfathurahman172 feel free to open a follo-up topic once you get/make the demo. Thanks.