The clear() method does not work correctly when using a loop

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc60925c58>

a feature I wanted to upgrade from :
to :
here’s the challenge

when compiling, the tables are cleared, but begins to duplicate the contents

Hi @artem1278495

Here is the example when we have multiple HOT instances that are cleared using clear() method :

I put all of the tables into an array and go through them by forOf loop. It’s easy and clean solution to do this.

Thanks for the answer, but I just realized that my function, which should return one or another instance depending on the branching, does not work correctly, it constantly adds data to the existing table.

When I click on the button (which accesses choose Form() ), the data seems to be added.That is, the problem is in the function, but I do not know in any way how it can be fixed

Hi @artem1278495

I’ve read the topic with @adrian.szymanski, and without the context (working sample of your code), there is not much we can help.
If you have an active support plan, please send us the License ID to, and I will check if you have a Support Plan that includes code review. That seems to be the best option.