The drop down menu modifies the width of the corresponding column

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9b5fe20>

How can I change the width function of the corresponding column by clicking the drop-down menu of the title

Hi @7458115

Can you share any drafts/drawings for this functionality? I do not understand how it should work. Do you like to change the header title width or the column width?

I want to change the corresponding title and the width of the entire column by clicking on the title

At the moment, there is no built-in solution for setting up width for a single column. The closest you can get to maintain columns adjustable and set up fixed width for a single column would be to add width for a given column via columns settings like here and then update that value manually when user uses your dropdown menu option again.

Thank you. That’s taken care of

Thank you for the update. I’m closing the thread.