Документ не верно печатает методом toHtml

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9aeb458>

When I print one table, everything works fine, but when it is necessary to print several, the columns are cut off.
Print Code:
Сode Containers:

Print result:

Please pay attention to the right side of the second table

Hello @artem1278495

I checked the issue on my side and I wasn’t able to reproduce the problem. The second table was positioned in a correct way. Can you please check if there are not any CSS styling that could interfere with the table positioning on your side?

Hello @artem1278495 do you have any updates or can we close the topic?

Hello, no, I didn’t succeed, I tried to gradually disable css styles, but it didn’t help

Hi @artem1278495

You can try to simplify your example and see if that helps. You can generate basic table by using this option:

data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(5, 10)

the matter seems to be in the colWidth properties, I tried to specify the method that you suggested, and at the same time specify Colwidths, the settings of the first instance and the second are identical, but visually build differently table 1 :

table 2 :
setting hots :

Can you send us the demo with the exact setting that you use? Maybe there is a place where you are updating the colWidths value using updateSettings?