Total Number of Search

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c16ae8b0> #<Tag:0x00007f51c16ae540>

Is there a way to display the total number of filters or searches in the left corner?
Please check the attached image.

Hi @ykifahh

It’s not possible out of the box as it extends outside the table. You would need to check wich rows are filtered out and compare them to the number of the total rows and then display this value. You should be able to to this using the countRows() hook.

Thank you for your quick response. Do you have a simple demo to implement this countRows()?


You just need to call this hook on the Handsontable instance. Here’s an example:

Thank you! However, how can I make the total number reflect the applied filter?

countRows() provides the total record count, but I need the count after the user filters the data.

An example would be helpful.


For that you will need to run this method inside the afterFilter hook:

Thank you, appreciate your help