Two old Jquery library loaded during load handsontable

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b23fa3830>


I am evaluate Handsontable for Salesforce lightning application. It would not work. When I use Dev Tool to debug, I saw two old version jquery are loaded one is 1.10.2 and another is 2.0.3. But I cannot find anywhere is your library load those. Salesforce would not allow any version prior 2.2.4 to run under lightning application for security reason. Based on I read question in forum, you said you are not depend on Jquery any more, why you still load old version. Are you going to use newer jquery version soon? Or do you have anyway to work around this.

Hi @chenmin

We do not use jQuery any more (the last version that needed it was a couple years ago). Here’s a list of our dependencies
Maybe some of our dependencies uses jQuery as itheir dependency.

Hi @chenmin

how’s the case? Did you find the cause?