Undo Row Removal and Read Only Columns

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f1360563518>

The problem:

  1. The first column of my table is set to read only
  2. I remove the first row
  3. I press Undo
  4. The row returns, but the read only value is missing

Is this the expected behavior, and if so, is there an alternative to get the read-only value to populate on undo?

Hi @mike

Thanks for sharing!

Our undo/redo plugin will be refactored. Here’s a list of current undo/redo bugs that will be fixed.

However we do not have it scheduled yet.

If your issue doesn’t relate to any on that list we will add it on the Github but I guess that is is strony related to issue 2743

Hi @mike

can you share any update about the issue? Can you create a demo or share a video?

Issue closed for a lack of response.