Updated to 1.15 from 1.10.1 and now data that used to be displayed as doubles is now displayed as integer. What could be the problem?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d5d9c60>

After updating to latest HoT version, my table that used to display numbers in double format now displays only integers and won’t accept doubles if I type it in; it rounds them. Is there anything notable changed in the version jump that would account for this?

Hi @vtruong74

Please check if you are using the correct syntax

numericFormat: {
  pattern: '0,0.00'

We have made a breaking change related to the topic in v1.15.0
Please check the release notes for the version at https://docs.handsontable.com/pro/1.15.1/tutorial-release-notes.html

That was exactly it. I didn’t understand the true purpose of those changes when I was reading the log before, but now I do. Thanks Aleksandra, you’ve been a great, great help for all my questions for HoT.

Happy I could help, @vtruong74 :slight_smile: