Use numericFormat option with custom renderer

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1da3ca00>

I am attempting to use a custom renderer to add a div to all numeric cells which I then attach an event listener to. The issue I’m running into is that I am also attempting to use the numericFormat option on the column to format the displayed values. I cannot find a way to access the formatted value in my custom renderer so that I can insert the formatted value into the cell div. Is there any way to do this without formatting the raw value manually in the custom renderer?

Hi @joeysamons

Can you attach some samples of input/and output (renderer/editor/validator) of the desired result? That would help me to confirm if I correctly understand the desired result.

Hi Aleksandra,

So I have a numeric column and I’ve specified a numericFormat with the pattern property set to ‘0,0.00’ (two decimal spots and commas at the thousands place). A pretty close example of my custom renderer for this column is below. Before I attached the event listener directly to the cell. Now that cells are being reused in newer versions of HOT I have to insert a div into the cell and attach the listener to that element instead. This caused the cells to no longer display the formatted data value, so I now need to manually insert the value I want displayed into the cell div (if there is some way to let HOT handle this please let me know).

My question is, is there a property in cellProperties or some other way to access the formatted value (as per the numericFormat defined on the column) from within my custom renderer? Or do I need to reformat the raw data value in my custom renderer as I have below with value.toFixed(2)? Note that the custom renderer code below will not include commas, I just wrote this example quickly.

 tdNumericRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
      Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments);

      const cellDiv: HTMLElement = <HTMLElement>RenderingService.createElement('div');

      Handsontable.dom.addEvent(cellDiv, 'dblclick', (e: MouseEvent) => {
            some stuff;

      if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
        const formattedValue = value.toFixed(2);
      } else {


      return td;

Hi @joeysamons

I’m having a week of meetings. I do not want you to wait too long, so I decided to ask my colleague to review your request and share his ideas.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

You actually already helped me get an answer via an email to support. The issue was the version of @angular-devkit/build-angular I was using had a dependency on a version of Terser where the bug still existed. Upgrading the version of @angular-devkit/build-angular to one that uses Terser v4.8 appears to have resolved the problem. Thank you though!

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