Usign nested rows plugin in Hottable. how to know when a row is expanded

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b68360f8> #<Tag:0x00007f51b6835fb8>

I’m using nestedrows plugin and thing is the rows even if collapsed will get expanded as the new data is set so I thought of saving the state of each row but can’t find a way to know when a row is expanded or when it is collapsed. is there any event generated or some other way we can know when we click that +/- in the row header for collapse and expand.

Hi @mohitparwani21

We don’t have any API methods that let you check if the rows are currently expanded or not. The less elegant approach would be to check the current class of the +/- button. In each sate it has different classes attached:

  • ht_nestingExpand
  • ht_nestingCollapse

I think you can use:
const nestedRowsPlugin = handsontable.getPlugin(‘nestedRows’);
const row = nestedRowsDataManager.translateTrimmedRow(coords.row);
nestedRowsPlugin.collapsingUI.areChildrenCollapsed(row) ;