Using GBP currency

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I need to format currency to GBP. When I use ‘en-GB’ as culture, it still shows as dollars.

I have tried an example found here, but it doesn’t even seem to be working in the demo:

columns: [
		type: 'numeric',
		numericFormat: {
			pattern: '$0,0.00',
			culture: 'en-GB'

How should I change the format to GBP?

Hi Chris,

do you use Vanilla JS or any of our wrappers (for: Angular, React, Vue)? I will prepare a demo for you.

Thanks @aleksandra_budnik. I use Vanillia JS.

Sorry for keeping you waiting, Chris.

It turned out that there is a regression from version 8.0.0 for some of the cultures. I’ve passed a note to our dev team and will update you on the status.

I guess that if you would still want to use v8+ we could use a custom renderer to attach the pound char and set up the correct format for numeric cells.

Hi @chrisdavieswebdesign

I just wanted to make an update here.

Apparently, the issue was caused by a version mismatch in our materials. When we use the Numbro v2.1.2 example works as expected
Please let me know if it works for you as well.

This issue was solved in v.8.3.2.