Validation Message Output

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc7284baf0>

I am having some issues working out how to display validation errors, 1 per column, then when all validation errors in a single column are fixed, remove the line relating to that column in the validation errors list.

For example, if 1 or more cells within a column are invalid, I want to display a validation message, along with any other columns which have invalid cells. For example:

Column X - Must be numberic
Column Y - Must be date

Using ‘afterValidate’, I am able to output a single line per column, regardless of the number of invalid cells. The problem I have, is when using this ‘afterValidate’ method, I am unable to know the number of invalid cells within a column, in order for me to keep, or remove the validation error row. (e.g if 3 effected cells, keep message, if 0 hide).

Is there a way to output an array/object of all invalid cells?

Hi @chrisdavieswebdesign

you can use the validateColumns([index]) method like here