Virtualisation - lazy loading data when it becomes visible in the grid

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Hi everyone,
I’m evaluating Handsontable, it looks cool so far :+1:.

I have a large server-side table, say 100k rows and 100 columns. I know the size in advance, but the evaluation of each individual cell on the server is quite expensive.
So, to send all the data to the client upfront is unfortunately not an option.

What is the best practise to implement a “hot data load”?
e.g. hook the render event, read the current scroll window and update only that visible data cells, and I’m done?

Is it possible to defer the reload up to the time the user stopped scrolling. Or even better to be able to differentiate the event between user is scrolling (>>> don’t execute a query now, wait until the user finished scrolling) and user has finished scrolling?

Subsequent question - Loading animation
Some tools, e.g. Syncfusion, provide build-in animation (or at least data place holders) while data is laoding: e.g.: Skeleton-Loading-Indicator-with-Shimmer-Effect-in-Paginated-DataGrid

Is something comparable build-in in Handsontable and if no, is there a best pratise to achieve this, e.g., via css?

Many thanks in advance…

Hi @thomas.zeutschler1

Thank you for contacting us and for detailed description of your requirements.

Regarding your question. We have an option that allows not to render all of the rows at initialization, but along with the user’s scrolling. There are also other performance tips that might be useful for you. You can find them here:

We don’t have any kind of loading animation solution available out of the box currently.