When hiding columns and going into edit mode, handsontable shifts to the left

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I have a table with around 30+ columns. Let’s say I want to edit column number 11 and I am hiding columns 2-9 by right clicking on column -> Hide. When I go to edit mode in one cell in column number 11 the whole handsontable shifts to the right making me unable to see what I am typing in. Do you know how to resolve it?

I made few scenarios, and when hiding column 10 it is not shifting to the right, but when I hide anything between 2 - 9 it is shifting to the right.

Hi @MZ1000_1

I’ve tried to reproduce your issue in this example but I can’t get the described behavior: https://jsfiddle.net/aszymanski/46nhtvgd/

Can you please modify this example so the issue is replicable?

I will let you know shortly next week… as on that website it is not recreatign as well, but on my own configuration it is.

Hello Adrian, seems like update to newest HOT version fixed the issue. Thank you - and by the way, I do not know why is my colleague’s name displayed on the forums instead of mine :slight_smile:

Hi @MZ1000_1

This is great news. I’m glad that the issue is now gone. I will close this topic now.