Hello everyone. I encountered a situation where, according to the technical specifications, the user had to be allowed to enter only a positive number into a table cell in the format X.XXX or X,XXX. In other words, the number is restricted to three decimal places. Moreover, if the user enters a comma, the comma must be converted into a dot so that the value stored in the cell remains valid.
And when it came time to implement this, I discovered that realizing such a simple input restriction required writing a lot of code.
What I did:
- I implemented a custom editor
that processes input values at the moment the cell is being edited. Inside, there is an event handlerinputHandler
that I attach to the editor when opening it and remove when exiting the edit mode. In this handler, the value entered by the user is passed to the formatter functionformatReservoirVolumesNumericValue
, which fully ensures that the output value is valid according to the requirement (removing non-numeric characters, converting a comma to a dot, removing extra dots, and limiting the number of digits after the decimal separator).
class CustomNumericEditor extends Handsontable.editors.NumericEditor {
// Create a named event handler so that it can be removed later
inputHandler = () => {
const input = this.TEXTAREA as HTMLInputElement
input.value = formatReservoirVolumesNumericValue(input.value)
open() {
const input = this.TEXTAREA as HTMLInputElement
input.addEventListener('input', this.inputHandler)
close() {
const input = this.TEXTAREA as HTMLInputElement
input.removeEventListener('input', this.inputHandler)
getValue() {
const inputValue = (this.TEXTAREA as HTMLInputElement).value
If the user left a value starting with a dot (e.g., ".567"),
prepend a leading zero to ensure the cell contains a valid numeric
if (inputValue.startsWith('.') && inputValue.length > 1) {
return '0' + inputValue
return inputValue
export const formatReservoirVolumesNumericValue = (
value: string,
isPasting = false,
): string => {
let newValue = value.replace(/[^\d.,]/g, '')
// Replace commas with dots
newValue = newValue.replace(',', '.')
// Remove all dots except for the first one
const parts = newValue.split('.')
if (parts.length > 1) {
newValue = parts[0] + '.' + parts.slice(1).join('').replace(/\./g, '')
// If the value is only a dot, return an empty string
if (newValue === '.') return ''
// If there is a fractional part, trim it to 3 digits
const numberParts = newValue.split('.')
if (numberParts.length > 1) {
numberParts[1] = numberParts[1].slice(0, 3)
newValue = numberParts.join('.')
// Logic only when pasting (CTRL+V)
if (isPasting) {
// Return an empty string for invalid values
if (isNaN(Number(newValue))) return ''
If the user left a value starting with a dot (e.g., ".567"),
prepend a leading zero and return "0.567". This ensures that the cell has
a correct numeric representation.
if (newValue.startsWith('.') && newValue.length > 1) {
newValue = '0' + newValue
return newValue
Full code for formatting backend data
type GetCellStyle = (props: {
cell: SpreadsheetBaseProps<NonNullable<unknown>, CharacteristicsSpreadsheetCell>['cell'][0]
canEdit: boolean
isSelectedDateEditable: boolean
isSelectedPlantViewOnly: boolean
message?: string
}) => string
export const getCellStyle: GetCellStyle = ({
}) => {
return classNames(
['isNotValid']: !!message,
!canEdit || !isSelectedDateEditable || isSelectedPlantViewOnly,
export const formatReservoirVolumesSpreadsheetData = (
spreadsheetData: IGetSpreadsheetData<CharacteristicsSpreadsheetCell>,
canEdit: boolean,
isSelectedDateEditable: boolean,
isSelectedPlantViewOnly: boolean,
levelAllowableChange: number | string,
volumeAllowableChange: number | string,
): IWerReservoirVolumeStore['characteristicsDataSpreadsheet'] => {
const spreadsheetProps =
// Perform validation of the original data matrix
const errors = validateCharacteristicsTableData(spreadsheetProps.data, {
0: levelAllowableChange,
1: volumeAllowableChange,
return {
columns: spreadsheetProps.columns.map(() => ({
readonly: !canEdit || !isSelectedDateEditable || isSelectedPlantViewOnly,
editor: 'customReservoirVolumesNumericEditor' as keyof Editors,
cell: spreadsheetProps.cell.map((cell) => {
// Find error for the current cell, if any
const error = errors.find(
(e) => e.row === cell.row && e.col === cell.col,
const message = error ? error.message : undefined
const className = getCellStyle({
return {
row: cell.row,
col: cell.col,
editor: 'customReservoirVolumesNumericEditor',
readOnly: !canEdit || !isSelectedDateEditable || isSelectedPlantViewOnly,
value: cell.value,
column: cell.column,
comment: message ? getStyledComment(message) : undefined,
This is where I use formatReservoirVolumesSpreadsheetData
. It’s the action in MobX store that call api to get data and convert it for handsontable format with my custom editor, validation etc…
getReservoirVolumeCharacteristics: IWerReservoirVolumeStore[
] = async (plantId: number, date: string) => {
try {
this.isCharacteristicsLoaded = false
const data = await api.calcModelWerManager.getReservoirVolumeCharacteristics(
const formattedSpreadsheet = formatReservoirVolumesSpreadsheetData(
runInAction(() => {
this.currentSettings = data.settings
this.initialSettings = klona(data.settings)
this.lastFilledRow = data.lastFilledRow
this.characteristicsDataSpreadsheet = formattedSpreadsheet
this.originalCharacteristicsDataSpreadsheet = formattedSpreadsheet
this.isCharacteristicsLoaded = true
} catch (error) {
'An error occurred while loading the reservoir characteristics',
- Since adding a custom editor does not solve the problem of validating values that are pasted from the clipboard (CTRL+V), I had to add a
hook. In this hook, every value is also processed through the same formatter function —formatReservoirVolumesNumericValue
. Only here the second argument is passed astrue
for theisPasting
flag, so that if the user pastes a value like.444
, a leading zero is added (for theCustomNumericEditor
, this logic is implemented in thegetValue
type GridSettings = Handsontable.GridSettings
export const ReservoirVolumesCharacteristicsSpreadsheet = observer(() => {
const { calcModelWerStore } = useStore()
const { listOfStationsStore } = calcModelWerStore
const { characteristicsStore } = listOfStationsStore
const { reservoirVolumeStore } = characteristicsStore
const {
} = reservoirVolumeStore
const { data, cell, nestedHeaders, columns, rowHeaders } =
const colHeaders = nestedHeaders.flatMap((row) =>
row.map((header) => header.label),
const beforePaste: GridSettings['beforePaste'] = (data, _) => {
const processedData = data.map((row) =>
row.map((cellValue) => formatReservoirVolumesNumericValue(cellValue, true)),
// Clear the original array and insert the processed data
data.length = 0
* Styles the column headers.
* @param col - Column index.
* @param TH - The column header element.
* @param level - Nesting level.
const afterGetColHeader: GridSettings['afterGetColHeader'] = (col, TH) => {
const isNumberColumn = col === -1
let headerText = isNumberColumn ? '№' : TH.textContent ?? ''
// If it's not a numbering column and the header text contains a comma, split it
// into two lines.
if (!isNumberColumn && headerText.includes(',')) {
headerText = headerText.replace(/,\s*/, ',<br/>')
// Reset styles before applying new ones
TH.innerHTML = ''
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.style.cssText = `
height: 60px;
line-height: normal;
white-space: normal;
word-wrap: break-word;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
text-align: center;
const hasError = cell.some((cellItem) => Boolean(cellItem.comment))
if (hasError) {
div.style.backgroundColor = '#ffbbbb'
div.innerHTML = headerText
if (!isCharacteristicsLoaded) return null
const tableSettings: Partial<GridSettings> = {
height: 680,
width: 273,
rowHeaderWidth: 45,
colWidths: 108,
afterChange: updateCharacteristicsSpreadsheetData,
return <SpreadsheetReact settings={tableSettings} />
When I finished, I started doubting whether I did it correctly. Is it written in an overly imperative style? Perhaps there are better practices to satisfy such trivial requirements for allowed values in a table.
There was another situation where the table had two columns. The value requirements were similar; however, in the first column, only one decimal place is allowed. To achieve this, I created a similar formatter function but with a third argument maxDecimals
, which determines how many digits after the decimal separator are allowed for the specific column.
const parts = newValue.split('.')
if (parts.length > 1) {
parts[1] = parts[1].slice(0, maxDecimals)
newValue = parts.join('.')
For the columns, I added a property maxDecimals
that, based on the column index, determined how many digits after the decimal separator are allowed for that cell’s value.
columns: spreadsheetProps.columns.map((_, index) => ({
readonly: !canEdit || !isSelectedDateEditable || isSelectedPlantViewOnly,
editor: 'customNumericEditor' as keyof Editors,
maxDecimals: index === 0 ? 1 : 3,
The custom editor looks like this:
class CustomNumericEditor extends Handsontable.editors.NumericEditor {
// Create a named event handler so that it can be removed later.
inputHandler = () => {
const input = this.TEXTAREA as HTMLInputElement
// Retrieve the required number of decimal places from cellProperties,
// defaulting to 3 if not specified.
const maxDecimals = this.cellProperties?.maxDecimals ?? 3
input.value = formatSpecificConsumptionNumericValue(
open() {
const input = this.TEXTAREA as HTMLInputElement
input.addEventListener('input', this.inputHandler)
close() {
const input = this.TEXTAREA as HTMLInputElement
input.removeEventListener('input', this.inputHandler)
getValue() {
const inputValue = (this.TEXTAREA as HTMLInputElement).value
If the user left a value that starts with a dot (e.g., ".567"),
prepend a leading zero and return "0.567". This ensures that the cell has
a valid numeric representation.
if (inputValue.startsWith('.') && inputValue.length > 1) {
return '0' + inputValue
return inputValue
Handsontable.editors.registerEditor('customNumericEditor', CustomNumericEditor)
But here I also had to implement an additional beforeAutofill
hook because the user could copy a value by dragging from a neighboring column (where three decimal places are allowed) into a column that only allows one decimal place.
* beforePaste hook
* Processes the pasting (CTRL+V) of data into the table.
* For each cell, depending on its column position, formats the number with the required
* number of decimal places (1 for the first column, 3 for the others).
* @param data - a 2D array of the data being pasted.
* @param coords - an array of objects with paste coordinates (start position, range, etc.).
const beforePaste: Handsontable.GridSettings['beforePaste'] = (data, coords) => {
if (coords && coords.length > 0) {
// Assume the paste starts at a specific column.
const startCol = coords[0].startCol
const processedData = data.map((row) =>
row.map((cellValue, colIndex) => {
// Calculate the target column index for the cell.
const targetColIndex = startCol + colIndex
// Set maxDecimals to 1 for the first column, and 3 for the others.
const maxDecimals = targetColIndex === 0 ? 1 : 3
return formatSpecificConsumptionNumericValue(cellValue, true, maxDecimals)
// Clear the original array and insert the processed data.
data.length = 0
* beforeAutofill hook
* Called during autofill (dragging the fill handle) of a data range.
* Processes each value similar to beforePaste – formats the number with the proper
* number of decimal places based on its position in the target range.
* @param selectionData - a 2D array of the source data for autofill.
* @param _sourceRange - the source range (unused).
* @param targetRange - the target range where the data will be inserted.
* @returns the processed 2D array for autofill.
const beforeAutofill: Handsontable.GridSettings['beforeAutofill'] = (
) => {
// Get the index of the first column in the autofill range.
const startCol = targetRange.from.col
const processedData = selectionData.map((row) =>
row.map((cellValue, colIndex) => {
const targetColIndex = startCol + colIndex
// For the first column, set maxDecimals to 1; for the others, set it to 3.
const maxDecimals = targetColIndex === 0 ? 1 : 3
return formatSpecificConsumptionNumericValue(cellValue, true, maxDecimals)
// Overwrite the autofill data with the processed values.
selectionData.length = 0
return selectionData
And after such a sheet of text, I’d like to hear if I’m moving in the right direction. Because I have a strong feeling that I’m writing too much boiler plate code and as if there are better practices.