Yarn throws a warning when installing package

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b260b39d0>

Hi There,

We have been using Handsontable for a number of years now and just recently upgraded to version 8.3.2 and have now run into an issue that is breaking our build pipeline.

We use Yarn as our package manager and Azure DevOps for our pinelines and after upgrading to 8.3.2 Yarn is now throwing an warning on install stating “warning Workspaces can only be enabled in private projects”. This is breaking our pipeline as it does not allow for warnings and it is due to Yarn requiring the project being set to private when using workspaces and your package.json does not specify this.

Is there anything we can do to resolve this or can this be looked at internally as we cant upgrade untill this is resolved.

Kind regards,

Hi Daniel,

Can you please contact me at support@handsontable.com? We may need some code samples or screen sharing to solve this case.

Hi @daniel.unsworth

I have good news.

We just launched Handontable v8.4.0 where we fixed the mentioned issue https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/7723

I hope that it will also work well in your project.

Please send me an email if it works differently.