_handsontable2.default is not a constructor

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64740290>

I have a project using Aurelia as frontend framework and I’m trying to use Handsontable but I’m getting the following error :
_handsontable2.default is not a constructor

I did npm install handsontable;

This is my code:

import Handsontable from 'handsontable;

const container = document.querySelector('#example');
const hot = new Handsontable(container, {
    data: data,

For some reason it throws _handsontable2.default is not a constructor

Hi @thiago_novaes

we do not officially support Aurelia and sorry to say that but 3 of our Clients confirm that they do not work with each other.

Well so good to know I wasn’t doing anything wrong on my side. But it is sad not having it working with Aurelia. Any plans of making it compatible?

Sorry, but I do not have any information about it. I surely won’t happen in the first part of 2018