Adding background to grid

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc61ca7fb0>

I’m using handsontable pro. I’m trying to add background to the table like watermark but it’s not working… I’m not sure whether its because of z-index of handsontable.

Hi @jaykumar

Can you create a drawing for it?I am not sure if I understand the idea correctly

something like this image

Ah OK, for the whole table.

That is not easy as the table rerenders. The easiest way would be to comment lines 34, 179, 240 from the main CSS fine (non-minified)

U mean commenting background color property? No its not working !!


Here is a file I’ve used (WeTransfer for the updated .css file)

and the settings

<div class="table"></div>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var container = document.querySelector('.table');
    var hot = new Handsontable(container, {
      colHeaders: true,
      rowHeaders: true,
      width: 550,
      data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(10,10)

    .handsontable {
      background: url('')
    .handsontable TD, .handsontable TH {
      color: #fff

and I got

Its working. But any way to add it only to the table, not the entire parent container?

I am not sure. We haven’t plan to add a background to the table. I may not work