Not sure if this is my implementation (or if the new react version where “on” is dropped from the function would fix this), but when I added onAfterChange
, tabbing and using arrow navigation through the cells is much slower. Here are my settings: = 'hot';
this.hotSettings = {
data: this.state.grid,
renderer: 'html',
stretchH: 'all',
manualRowResize: true,
manualColumnResize: true,
colHeaders: true,
rowHeaders: true,
colWidths: this.state.colWidths,
rowHeights: 30,
minCols: 26,
minRows: 100,
contextMenu: true,
formulas: true,
columnSorting: true,
autoRowSize: true,
manualColumnMove: true,
manualRowMove: true,
ref: "hot",
fixedRowsTop: 0,
minSpareRows: 1,
comments: true,
licenseKey: myKey,
onAfterChange: (changes, source) => {if(changes){
this.timeout = setTimeout(this.handleAddItem, 3000)
onAfterSelection: (r, c, r2, c2, preventScrolling) => {
preventScrolling.value = true;
this.captureCellData([r, c]);
onAfterColumnResize: (currentColumn, newSize, isDoubleClick) => {
this.handleResizeColumn([currentColumn, newSize]);
setTimeout(this.handleAddItem, 3000)
this.hotTableComponent = React.createRef();```
Any thoughts or is this a known performance issue tied to using afterChange?