afterChange does not trigger for column with array (Vue.js)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c2245890>

Hi, I hope all is well,

I am trying to use HOT’s afterChange hook, but the event doesn’t get trigger when the data in a cell is an array. I am using vue.

Here’s an example:

As you can see in the console, when the first column is changed, nothing happens.

Thank you.

Hi @johnverde

Handsontable accepts an array of arrays or an array of objects as a dataset. You can use further nesting but you’d require to pass an object. Here’s an example

Thank you for your answer @aleksandra_budnik!

Searching more on this subject, I managed to find Consuming array data in table cell values and Issue editing cells that are an array of values. Still, I’m at a loss.

Would you mind elaborating on how to properly map my columns so I can support cells with arrays as values?

Thank you

Hi @johnverde

you can use a dataSchema to provide some nested values but you’d still need to convert that array to an object.

I have checked your example, but there’s something I still don’t get. When trying to change the last column (Kids), the changes don’t stay. Even more so, the hook does not get triggered.

Are you able to replicate the same in my demo?

I’ve added the afterChange and it works fine

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but maybe I test a different scenario

You are right. It was just my example that wasn’t working.

I finally gave up with schemas and just used a single string that uses the comma as a separator. That means, I need to convert the data from arr to str before display and from str to arr before my HTTP request.

I know this is less than optimal, but it would do the trick for now. This can be closed now. As always, you have been super helpful @aleksandra_budnik! Thank you.

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