AfterChange Event not Firing with React Component Custom Editor

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I’m trying to implement Handsontable in our React project, but I’m having trouble getting the AfterChange event to trigger after editing a cell using a CustomEditor implemented as a react component. Are there any known issues with this interaction, or tricks for implementing it?

Edit: Figured it out, I think. I misunderstood when AfterChange would be triggered thinking it would be automatic after calling finishEditing. It still feels a little hack-y? Not sure if I’m handling it correctly, but its working.

Hi @ryan

Hook afterChange is fired after a close editor or when value changed using API (e.q setDataAtCell) as we wrote on our docs -

Here is a simple demo - - where every change is logging in the console.

If you still feel unsure how afterChange works maybe you can show your implementation. It could be easier to work on it.