Altering add row from custom menu to increase numeric value from row above

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc65519a38>

Hi everyone!

I need help in probably something obvious. While creating new row i just need take value from cell above, and add to it 0.01. I thought just .setdataatcell will solve the problem, but i cannot make it.

    "add_row": {
      name: 'Add row',
      callback: function(key, options) {
        hot.alter('insert_row', hot.getSelectedLast()[0] + 1, 1);
        for (var i = 0; i < columns.length - 1; i++) {
               hot.setDataAtCell(hot.getSelectedLast()[0] + 1, i, hot.getDataAtCell(hot.getSelectedLast()[0],i)+0.01);
           else {
                hot.setDataAtCell(hot.getSelectedLast()[0] + 1, i, hot.getDataAtCell(hot.getSelectedLast()[0],i));

I have code like above, and i want to every first column, increase cell value with 0.01. But while it is not string its working like concat - (for example i have 1.00, adding 0.01 makes it 1.000.01) And when i have it as numeric cell type it is just not working. Any advice?

Hi @jscisinski


seems to be an operation on the string not a number.

I used your code here does it work as planed?

  • first value in new row is duplicated
  • second is value + 0.01
  • next is empty

Your solution works great, but is any workaround about wrong adding to number 2 and 3? When you are adding value 0.01 to 3.01 makes it 3.019999999996 (and i do not have any idea why). Same for 2.01.image

The fastest way would be to add the format to numeric cells like here If you would like to cut only values with similar precision to 3.0199999999999996 you would need to construct a custom renderer.