Bunch of missing events

Presumably like other people, I have to track user changes to Hot via event hooks like afterChange & afterSetCellMeta, so as to save the Hot (or warn user of unsaved changes). Unless I am missing something and supposed to do it some other way?

I am using 0.25.1, and none of the below work.

What event fires, or is supposed to fire, in these situations, all invoked from context menu, please:

  1. Remove Comment. (Add/Edit Comment are OK: they clearly use setCellMeta(), and that is documented as firing afterSetCellMeta; but removeCellMeta() does not document firing any event. Surely you need an event, maybe afterRemoveCellMeta, after any removeCellMeta() which many things might invoke, just as much as after any setCellMeta()?)

  2. Check/uncheck the Read only.

  3. Alter any of the Alignment settings.

Thank you.

Hi @jon

Thank you for the issue list

With point 1 we are familiar:

  1. https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/3899
  2. https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/2532

When it comes to point 2 I can’t see similar issue on our Github but I guess that maybe fixing the issue you described will also trigger this one:

This action does not also trigger the afterChange so it makes it very hard to track (demo: http://jsfiddle.net/handsoncode/efsdr638/)

The same situation is for alignment. It does not trigger afterSetCellMeta or afterChange.

Here I’ve added the issue about read-only: https://github.com/handsontable/handsontable/issues/3907
If anything will be done to fix this issue it will be updated.

Thanks again or sharing @jon