Cannot implement HyperFormula v1.0.0 in Angular

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9912f50>


I’m working on a project with Handsontable 9.0.1 in angular and it needs formula support, we’ve been working with HyperFormula 0.6.2. Now im trying to implement the new version released, but when i update and import it, i get this error in my GridSettings of the formula engine, i just did a new project for testing and the problem still there:

When i go back to version 0.6.2 it does work correctly, also i notice in my package-lock.json that the version of handsontable 9.0.1 is requiring hyperformula 0.6.2, if i change this and it dependency, the problem still there. I’ve tried different configurations and researched in the forum, but i didnt find any topic related.


Hi @dantelagos.b2
HyperFormula v1 is not yet compatible with Handsontable. We plan to release upgraded integration with Handsontable v10. To release that version, we have to finish a few tasks listed in epic-issue:

Hi @piotr.laszczkowski,
we also need some features of HyperFormula v1. Looks like great improvements are coming but of course I can see it will be a lot of work. :slight_smile: Do you have an estimation when a new version could be available? Of course I do not have any idea of your codebase, but I saw this ticket ( and wondered if it might be possible to get at least some bugfixes into Handsontable with this smaller step. Thanks for your help!

You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately not, we have not ETA for that issue. However, you can track work progress by subscribing to that issue on Github. On the right side of the issue’s page, you can find the “Subscribe” button. As soon as we start working on it, you will get a notification.

Hi @ole.cordsen @dantelagos.b2

I just wanted to let you know that we have released Handsontable v10 today with HyperFormula update v1.2.0

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Hi @aleksandra_budnik, thanks for the ping! :slight_smile: