Capture data of selected cell before outsideClickDeselects

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d96a528>

I am setting outsideClickDeselects : false to remove focus on handsontable. But I need to capture cell data before losing focus. Please help.

Hey @bhakat.sandip

maybe you can trackwhat’s under getSelected method and update it with the afterSelectionEnd hook.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

Thanks for the quick response.

I want to capture entered data from selected cell before outsidedeselect execute. The selected cell gives null value not the entered one.

Maybe something like this

On further analysis, out side click of handsontable called earlier than afterChange event. So, I am not able to capture last entered data. how can I make afterChange call earlier than outside click?

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

I am able to capture data with a trick. Inside outSideClickDeselects function I change cell selection due to that afterChange event call and data capture. will it create any issue?

Hey @bhakat.sandip

how do you associate those two options?
The afterChange/beforeChange hooks are responsible for changes (edit, paste, autofill) not the selection.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik,

Before clicking outside a cell was selected; so, I manually triggered ‘tab’ inside outsideClickDeselects. Due to this afterChange call before loosing selection.
outsideClickDeselects: function (event) {
ht.runHooks(‘Tab’, ‘afterDocumentKeyDown’);
return false;

You may try with the [afterDocumentKeyDown]( event as apparently you need to get the editor value (before it closes the editor and trigger beforeChange/ afterChange hooks)