
Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9b56c58>

Hi I am using handsontable in angular project and when using clear all filter function, it isn’t working. I got an error in the console, ‘this.handsontable.getPlugin.clearCondition();’ is not a function. Kindly help in this.
getPlugin isn’t working with other functions of handsontable too, such as highlighting a row

Hi @1994dhawal

Hi. Thank you for the question. @aleksandra_budnik is out of office but she’ll be back on Monday to help you with this topic.

In the meantime, can you attach a demo where we can reproduce the issue?
Please describe all the steps to do so.

Hi @1994dhawal

If that is a quote from your code


it is missing the plugin name


Of that won’t help please share a demo.

Thanks for the reply, I got my mistake.

Great. Thank you for the confirmation, @1994dhawal
I’m closing this ticket.