Column move and apply filters do not work together

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc729e7a80>


lets say I have two columns in my grid as column ‘A’ and ‘B’ next to each other. If I apply filters in column ‘A’ and move column ‘A’ past right of column ‘B’ then column ‘B’ shows filter dropdownMenu of column ‘A’. column ‘A’ also shows filter dropdownMenu of column ‘A’. in short, after applying filters to column A and when moved to past column ‘B’, column 'B’s original filter and its filter dropdown values are gone. so basically both column ‘A’ and ‘B’ show same filter as of column ‘A’.

the filter dropdown menu of column ‘B’ should not have been overwritten by movement of filtered column A.

are we supposed to use any option/method/setting to avoid this issue?


Hi @rohit.parwal

please guide me on how to replicate the issue.

I have been testing this example

Where I

  1. Open filter_by_value for column A
  2. Pick few options from the filter and click OK
  3. Move column A to a column B position
  4. open filters window to check if the filter_by_value did change,

It looks like the values stay the same

we are using “version”: “1.10.1” and “compatibleHotVersion”: “0.31.1”. I see you are using 1.12.0. Not sure if the version has something to do with it.

when I replaced the version number to 1.10.1 in your jsfiddle demo example, i am able to reproduce the issue.


You are right @rohit.parwal the issue has been replicable in version 1.10.1, however as we cannot fix the previous versions, please update to 1.12.0

we tried to upgrade to 1.12.0 and our code was breaking. so we upgraded to 1.10.2 and thats helping us for now. thanks.

Yes, there were a few breaking changes between those versions. However, I am happy to hear that the version 1.10.2 fixes the issue and works in your project without changes.

so when we upgraded from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2, we invited another unwanted problem. with release 1.10.2, once we apply filter to column A, I go and edit column B values and I see that column A’s filter is replaced with column B’s unique values.

you can reproduce this using your example-

just use version 1.10.2. if column A has filter applied as “A1” and if you change column B value from B1 to B1.1 then dropdown of filter A is changed to B1.1. this can be see by putting console.log and if click dropdwon A filter, it will have no items checked.

so we are planning to revert to 1.10.1 version. we just one help from you is to find out how can we retain filter values if we move the filter in 1.10.1 version. so in short, we are back square 1 when we started this thread.

we apply filter to column A, I go and edit column B values and I see that column A’s filter is replaced with column B’s unique values. this issue is present in latest version 1.12.0 as well.


Hi @rohit.parwal

Can you resend the demo? is returning 404.

ps. we had a similar issue some time ago but it should be fixed in v1.13.0

I see that 1.13 was created on 2nd August. What is the fix here? we cannot upgrade to 1.13 at this point.

I can try to put the fixes in 1.10.2 library code if its a small fix.


Hi @rohit.parwal

Here’s a full list of changes to 1.13.0