Copying large number of rows still not working (15.0.1)

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51c21b9638> #<Tag:0x00007f51c21b92c8>

Despite the initial fix to copy/paste, there still seems to be an issue when trying to copy a large number of rows. This seems to occur when you are scrolled too far away from the starting cell of your selection. The simplest way for me to reproduce this is the select A1, scroll down and shift select A100, and try to copy and paste it. if you scroll back up to the top because trying to copy, it works, but you try to copy while A1 is offscreen, it fails. I’m fairly certain this is related to the same chrome update as before because the issue does not appear in firefox.


Hi @michael.phelps

Thank you for contacting us. I checked this issue locally and in a different sandbox (jsFiddle) with both, 15.0.1 and 15.1.0 version and it works fine. The problem seems to be related only to StackBlitz. Can you please confirm if that’s also the case on your side?

This jsFiddle with 15.0.1 has the same issue.

Looks like 15.1.0 fixed the issue though so we’ll just move to that.


Thank you for the update. I’m glad that the issue is gone in the current version.