Custom renderer button click open file browser

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b28cb21a8>

hi im using react and in my custom renderer i have this code:

td.innerHTML = `<button class="document" style="background:transparent; border:none"><div style="height: 60%;display: inline-flex;align-items: center;"><div style="height: 24px; width: 24px; background: ${palette.primary.mainGradient}; -webkit-mask: url(${AttachmentIcon}) no-repeat center; mask: url(${AttachmentIcon}) no-repeat center"></div><span style="background: ${palette.primary.mainGradient};background-clip: text;-webkit-background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent">Anexar</span></div></button > `

what is the best way i make my button to open file browser and select the file for that column?

Hi @almeida.tiago1996

You can use afterOnCellMouseDown hook to write your logic there and set the target to your button. That should be the best solution. If you will encounter any problems, let me know.
