CustomEditor does not get loaded properly

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1d87d368>


We’ve encountered an issue where a customEditor on the spareRow does not get loaded properly when using hot.loadData(data) during update. But if we re-create (destroy then create) the handsontable first before the hot.loadData(data), it works fine.

Here’s a snippet of the issue

The thing encircled in red is our custom editor. When opened, we won’t be able to close it and the data doesn’t get captured unless we re-recreate (destroy then create) the handsontable first.

Thank you!

Hi @eabardies

Can you please send us a code demo showing your issue? That way it would be easier for us to debug it.

Hi @adrian.szymanski

How can I do that? I’m fairly new to development. It would be nice if you can guide me.



You can use one of our basic examples as a template and recreate your functionality here: