Disable drag and drop for only one row in Handsontable grid

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b23e8c3c0>

I am new to Handsontable.

I am working on the drag and drop feature.

I am able to enable drag and drop by setting the ‘manualRowMove’ property to true.

However, I want to disable drag and drop on just the last row.

Question: Is there any way to achieve this?
Handsontable code:

table = new Handsontable(container1, {
data: data,
defaultRowHeight: 20,
rowHeaders: true,
colHeaders: true,
manualRowMove: true,
licenseKey: LicenseKey,
colHeaders: [“Name”, “Email”, “Designation”, “Id”],
columns: [
{ data: “Name”, type: “text”, readOnly: true },
{ data: “Email”, type: “text”, readOnly: false },
{ data: “Designation”, type: “text”, readOnly: false },
{ data: “Id”, type: “text”, readOnly: true }

Thank you for sharing. I will test it and let you know my thoughts.

Hi @Sri

Can you share a demo with your recent progress or/and tell me a bit more about the requirement? What do you drag and drop, do you want the cell size to change, do you change the source data as well?