Dropdown values is not displaying when enter number value and clear in autocomplete type dropdown in handson table

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b9b339d8> #<Tag:0x00007f51b9b33898>

Hi Team,

I am using handsontable version 14.1. I am using “autocomplete” type dropdown for one column. When i entered the number in the cell value and clear then the dropdown not showing values.image image . Please give me the solution. Advance Tanks!!.

Hi @saravanan.m

Can you please modify this example so it matches your settings? https://jsfiddle.net/handsoncode/hdgvmnbo/

Hi @adrian.szymanski,

Thanks for your response, I tried the scenario in your example but it is working fine. I am not sure why it happening in my code. After enter some string in cell then dropdown display the values , i think it may render issue, is there any solution for that?


I can’t say much without seeing your implementation where the issue can be replicated. Please modify the example I sent I can check what the problem can be.

ok, thanks i will check from my side

Hi @saravanan.m

do we have any updates on this matter?