Duplicated table rendering... bug?

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b1da02ff8>

We’re getting some pretty funky rendering updates as part of an internal process to update stale data.

As you can see below, the top and left hand side (we have locked columns and scrolling enabled) appears to be duplicated:

I’m trying to track down the process of how we get here on our side (maybe we are adding bad data in the reload) but regardless, this is not a pretty outcome!

I suspect that as the tables are shown / hidden HoT is attempting to get the coords to overlay the locked columns, but perhaps the table is not visible so is returning (0,0) or something.

Is this a known issue, and if so, do you know what causes it so we can handle it at our end?

Many thanks!


Turns out adding position: relative to the table solves it

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