Entire Grid table alignment is messed up

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007efc64f2de30> #<Tag:0x00007efc64f2dcf0>
  1. If I update any column or add new row at the time, I see two table in back of another table in angular

if I refresh the table like hit the dataset API again at the time also I faced this two table issue in angular

And also I need to how to refresh the whole in handsontable, I think If I get the refresh method it fix all the issues in angular

  1. Unable to move the column if I selected the column and drag to another position inbewteen columns also selected why?
    — If I use nested header at the time I faced this above issue.afterColumnMove function not working in angular

Hi @saran123

We haven’t been reported about any table duplication while doing CRUD operations. It seems that the only report about the duplication was strictly related to the overlay mismatch caused by an alteration of Handsontable CSS settings. Could that be the cause in your case as well? If you are not sure please send the replication video/gif and a demo where this issue happens.

When it comes to the task of refreshing a table, we have a method called render(). It is automatically called by many plugins, and it rerenders the whole table. However, I would need to know why there’s a need to refresh the table to specify if that is what we can truly recommend.

Now for nestedColumns and manualColumnMove we do not have a 100% support yet. Again, I would need to see the steps to verify that.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik, why i’m need a render() is if I edit any row or cell and click refresh button at the time i needed.

But in hansontable there no render(), I’m also checked in docs

And I need a column move with nestedColumns

Here https://handsontable.com/docs/javascript-data-grid/api/core/#render you can find details about the render() method. However, when user alters the data via edition the render() is triggered manually. Using it again will not only be obsolete but will also affect the performance.

If the cell doesn’t rerender after you edit a cell it sounds like a bug. I would need to get a demo where the issue is replicable. Here https://handsontable.com/docs/javascript-data-grid/demo/ we can see that each time you alter a value and

  • use ENTER key to confirm, or
  • click outside the table

the cell editor closes and the value is saved.