Excel formula calculation issue

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f51b997cdb0>

Hi, I am using Handson table version 7.0.0 in my angular application development.
I have tried to use the excel formula in my development. I have tried SUMIFS formula. It’s not working. So, is this formula is supporting inside Handson table? If you have any respective example. Please provide the example.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi @santu.nandi

Back in version 7.0 we had very basic formulas plugin. With version 9.0 we implemented new engine - Hyperfomula. It’s more advanced and offers very Excel-like possibilities. It also have dedicated documentation. That’s why I highly recommend to upgrade if you want to implement formulas.

Can you please confirm that in version 7.0.0 SUMIFS formula will work or not?

Thanks & Regards,

I’ve tried with the simplest example and it seems to be working correctly with version 7.0:


I checked that it’s working, but for my case the formula is complex. I am getting error in my complex formula.

Is there have any tool where I can check what is the error of that expression.

This formula is working in excel, but while I have used inside Handson table, I am getting error.

As I mentioned, that might be causes by the plugin itself. Did you try on the newest version of Handsontable with Hyperformula?

I have tried Handsontable example - JSFiddle - Code Playground in this example below data set:
data: [
[‘2’, ‘4’, ‘1’, ‘=SUMIF(A1:A3,B1:B3,{2})’],
[‘5’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘=SUMIF(B1:B3,">3")’],
[‘6’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘=SUMIF(C1:C3,"<3")’],

Not working for me.

Is that what you wanted to achieve?


In Hyperformula there are two seperate functions SUMIF and SUMIFS where the second one sums up the values of cells that belong to the specified range and meet the specified sets of conditions.

Yes I need SUMIFS.

Then may be SUMIFS is not working in version 7.0.0.

Can you please verify and confirm ?

Hi @santu.nandi

Yes, it looks that our older formulas engine doesn’t support SUMIFS function, so upgrade to, at least, version 9.0 with Hyperformula would be necessary.

Thanks for your confirmation.