Exception when removing a row

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b260b3ca0>

Has any one seen an exception when removing a row (randomly? If I refresh the browser, the exception does not occur and I am unable to remove the row)? It is possible I am setting up the data source incorrectly.

copied the line from dataspource.js
if (_this2.dataType === ‘array’) {
newRow = row.slice(startCol, endCol + 1);
exception is
vendor.js:68760 ERROR TypeError: row.slice is not a function
at vendor.js:309998
at rangeEach (vendor.js:320637)
at DataSource.getByRange (vendor.js:309992)
at DataSource.getData (vendor.js:309878)
at Core.getSourceDataArray (vendor.js:307101)
at Core. (vendor.js:371899)
at Hooks.run (vendor.js:324716)
at Core.runHooks (vendor.js:308558)
at DataMap.removeRow (vendor.js:309210)
at vendor.js:305213

Hey @v_addanki

do you use alter method to remove/add rows?

beforeRemoveRow : function (change,source){…}

Not sure if it something related to timing… happens very randomly.

Is there any change to replicate it in a demo? I’d need to have some example where the issue is replicable.

Thank you for the response. I am unable to reproduce the issue. Will reach out to you in future if it happens again. Appreciate your support.


Thank you for the update. If you’d need quick feedback please send the demo/example at support@handsontable.com