Filter by value search issue

Tags: #<Tag:0x00007f8b19d0ab28>


In filters “filter by value” if I am trying to search by typing in search input box it is not showing input values.

Hi @kunal

Please let me know if you get the same result as here


This is the default behavior of the filters. All the checkboxes of values are checked and clicking OK does not change the value.

Hi @aleksandra_budnik

Am not getting the proper results,
you can check my screenshot am trying to search “Bringardner” from 8th row

Please check what is returned by the getDataAtCell for that cell.

If i select 1st coulmn it will show all the fields .
but if i enter value in search box 1st value is not showing .for example in the below image A1 is not showing

Hi @kunal

Please contact me on my email and share the result of the getData() call and your columns settings (if in use).